Water & Ecology

Fish and Fish Habitat Protection - Technical Support and Permitting

We offer proven problem-solving expertise to the mining, energy, forestry, LNG, linear development, and ecological restoration sectors.

The Trinity Consultants Water & Ecology team are recognized leaders in environmental assessment and monitoring, offering key services to industry, government and First Nations. With extensive experience gained from hundreds of successful project assignments, and a unique perspective gained by writing environmental guidelines on behalf of government, we offer proven problem-solving expertise to the mining, energy, forestry, LNG, linear development, and ecological restoration sectors.

Our Environmental Services team provides a comprehensive set of services to assist clients with navigating the regulatory processes associated with the Canadian Fisheries Act, including Section 35 Fish Habitat Protection provisions. We have extensive experience in the application of avoidance, mitigation, and offsetting measures to support our clients in protecting fish and fish habitat and complying with regulatory and policy requirements.

Fish and Fish Habitat Technical Support and Permitting Services

Trinity Consultants Water and Ecology's Ecofish and Minnow team are recognized leaders providing clients with set of services to assist with navigating the regulatory processes associated with the Canadian Fisheries Act.
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How Else We Can Help

Related Services


Fish and Fish Habitat Restoration & Offsetting

Successful habitat restoration and offsetting relies on a strong multi-discipline foundation between regulations and ecosystems.

Fish Population Assessment

Our fish enumeration methods help support high quality data collection and study design.

Planning Applications and Development

Our team aims is to ensure that you get the best possible chance of success with your planning application, timescales, and budget.


Aquatic Habitat Evaluations

These evaluations are critical for the development of species management plans, mitigation planning, and environmental monitoring studies.


How We Can Help

The Trinity Consultants Water & Ecology team are recognized leaders in environmental assessment and monitoring, offering key services to industry, government and First Nations. With extensive experience gained from hundreds of successful project assignments, and a unique perspective gained by writing environmental guidelines on behalf of government, we offer proven problem-solving expertise to the mining, energy, forestry, LNG, linear development, and ecological restoration sectors.

Our Environmental Services team provides a comprehensive set of services to assist clients with navigating the regulatory processes associated with the Canadian Fisheries Act, including Section 35 Fish Habitat Protection provisions. We have extensive experience in the application of avoidance, mitigation, and offsetting measures to support our clients in protecting fish and fish habitat and complying with regulatory and policy requirements. 

Our leading industry reputation is built on our innovative, cost-effective, and successful support for those projects in which effects on fish and fish habitat are unavoidable and authorizations and offsetting are therefore required under the Canadian Fisheries Act. We have supported numerous clients by characterizing the quality and quantity of fish habitat loss or alteration, developing scientifically defensible fish and fish habitat offsetting plans and applications for authorization. 

We bring a breadth of experience fostering collaboration with First Nations to incorporate traditional values into fisheries assessments and offsetting solutions that achieve consent-based outcomes. Our experience effectively integrating offsetting options into a project’s design have proven to reduce potential project and permitting delays

Our Services

  • Strategic Advice on Fish and Fish Habitat Permitting and Policy Requirements 
  • Fish and Fish Habitat Offsetting Plan Development, Implementation, and Monitoring 
  • Applications and Amendments for Authorizations Under the Canadian Fisheries Act 
  • Fish Habitat Classification and Mapping 
  • Fish Species Inventory, Population Size Estimates, and Health Assessment 
  • Fish Removal/Relocation Plans and Implementation 
  • Communication and Collaboration with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Other Regulatory Bodies
  • Leading and Participating in Stakeholder Engagement

For more information about our Fish and Fish Habitat Protection - Technical Support and Permitting Services, contact us today!

Partnering with Trinity

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We invite you to contact us with your specific challenges. Let’s see how we can succeed together! Contact us to discuss how we can work together and achieve your goals. 

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