Software Development
Commercially available software packages often do not contain features that are needed by our clients or the required software may simply not exist. Trinity Consultants has a team of software development programmers and scientists capable of designing specialized software solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Applications include, but are not limited to, data acquisition, data management, database manipulation, quality assurance, and real-time graphical representations.
Trinity offers a cloud-based data-hosting website accessible at This site is password-protected and provides those with access a simple, user-friendly interface to visualize and inspect data in near real-time and can be customized to show current values of pertinent parameters as well as historical trends. Historical data can be downloaded into user-defined formats or custom charts (such as wind roses or trend charts) for instant analysis. Meteorological and air quality data can be combined to create pollutant roses to better understand pollutant origin. To compliment meteorological and air quality data collected by the project, publicly available data can also be uploaded to the site to enhance analysis. The site is also capable of alarming and notifying stakeholders on parameters of interest. Alarm thresholds can be tailored to requirements of the project and provide instant feedback to the user’s phone or desktop with visual, audible, email, or SMS message notifications.
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
Detailed Services
Software Development
Software Development Services:
- Customized Software Packages to Process and Format Meteorological and Ambient Air Quality Data
- Cloud-based Real-time Data Dashboards
- Windrose Displays
- Historical Data Review
- Statistical Analysis
- Data Interpretation
- Automated Alarms and Notifications (SMS text messages or e-mail)