Environmental Consulting

Leak Detection and Repair Support (LDAR)

Trinity Consultants delivers expert Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) assistance to industries such as oil and gas, refining, chemical, and petrochemical, ensuring compliance with stringent regulatory standards and providing operational excellence for our clients.

With Trinity's support, clients can clearly navigate complex regulatory frameworks, optimize their LDAR programs, and mitigate environmental impact, ensuring sustainable and responsible business practices for the future.

Trinity Consultants offers indispensable LDAR services crucial for industries such as oil and gas, refining, chemical, and petrochemical. Our experienced team provides compliance and field support to facilities nationwide, offering comprehensive gap assessments and LDAR program development and implementation and ensuring strict alignment with New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and other state-specific requirements.

With Trinity's support, clients can clearly navigate complex regulatory frameworks, optimize their LDAR programs, and mitigate environmental impact, ensuring sustainable and responsible business practices for the future.

How Else We Can Help

Related Services


Compliance Support with Fuels Regulations

Trinity's fuel regulation experts assist from policy inception to litigation, ensuring compliance for refineries and producers with full regulatory support, including the complex California LCFS and GHG reporting.

Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS)

Trinity provides comprehensive air quality and CEMS compliance services, ensuring legal adherence, streamlined processes, and operational efficiency.

Emissions Calculations, Inventories, and Reporting

Trinity specializes in comprehensive emissions inventory and reporting for facilities, leveraging EPA and industry data to accurately identify and quantify emissions utilizing detailed reporting and advanced EHS digital solutions.

Our Results

Featured Projects

Frazier Collaborates with Trinity Consultants to “Green Light” Compliance for Plant Operations and Expansions

Trinity has supported Frazier's multimedia environmental compliance reporting since 2017 across five states and multiple facilities.

Government Steam Plant Streamlines Environmental Permitting and Compliance

The plant has engaged Trinity since 2008 for a wide variety of continual compliance activities that span air, oil pollution, waste, and water programs.
power lines

Power Company Partners with Trinity to Modernize Compliance using Enablon Platform

Starting in 2017, a leading international power generating company tasked Trinity Consultants’ Digital Solutions team with spearheading an Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) compliance management system modernization program.

Regulatory Background

LDAR Support

What Facilities Need LDAR Support

Trinity's LDAR experience includes applicability and compliance support for facilities subject to New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and state specific requirements, including but not limited to:

  • NSPS - 40 CFR 60, Subparts VV, VVa, GGG, GGGa, KKK, and OOOO
  • NESHAP - 40 CFR 61, Subparts F, J, V, and FF
  • MACT - 40 CFR 63, Subparts H, I, S, CC, HH, SS, TT, UU, YY, GGG, MMM, EEEE, FFFF
  • RCRA Subpart BB

How Trinity Can Help

Trinity conducts thorough gap assessments to evaluate existing LDAR programs for compliance with regulatory standards. We also assist in applicability determination, guiding clients through complex regulatory frameworks to identify compliance obligations.

Our experts then define program requirements, develop tailored strategies for effective implementation, oversee equipment procurement, and provide thorough training to ensure seamless program implementation. We integrate advanced monitoring tools to facilitate efficient data management, enabling clients to easily meet NSPS, NESHAP, MACT, and state-specific regulations.

Third-Party Audits and Compliance

Trinity operates comprehensive third-party LDAR audits for the chemical and refining industries, ensuring adherence to strict regulatory requirements and client Consent Decrees. Our audits provide valuable insights for program enhancement, often finding areas for refinement or optimization. In addition to audit services, we offer enforcement assistance, response to Section 114 requests, and specialized reporting support to help clients navigate regulatory complexities effectively.

Meet the Team

Inaas Darrat

Director, Chemical Sector Services

Partnering with Trinity

Let’s collaborate. What can we help you achieve?

We invite you to contact us with your specific challenges. Let’s see how we can succeed together! Contact us to discuss how we can work together and achieve your goals. 

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