Water & Ecology

Data Analysis, Modeling & GIS

We support clients with analyzed data to develop project plans and monitor the effects of existing projects.
Trinity Consultants’  Water & Ecology has a dedicated team of data analysts and modelers who specialize in analyzing and presenting information to conduct environmental assessments, and compare project alternatives. We help our clients make sound decisions by providing timely solutions to project designs and monitor the effects of existing projects.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services

Trinity Consultants Water and Ecology's Westland team can transform data into dynamic, interactive maps that tell your story and drive your mission through the innovative power of GIS.
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How Else We Can Help

Related Services


Cultural Resources Surveys, Studies, & Consultations

We support work in the Cultural West for the benefit and protection of historic land and species, with tribal engagement. 

Water Resource & Infrastructure Master Planning Services

We help support water rights and water source portfolios in conjunction with project planners.

Protected Species Surveys

We help projects understand how to prevent project delays by complying with protected species guidelines and reporting.

Vegetation Surveys

Vegetation surveys can provide a deeper understanding of plant and adjacent waterway needs.


How We Can Help

We use our spatial analyst capabilities to conduct sophisticated modelling and analyses to identify optimal solutions to land and aquatic management problems. We have experience conducting analysis at various levels of detail, ranging from high-level screening analyses to detailed model applications and statistical analysis.

Our quality control systems ensure that we deliver high-quality, accurate products that are consistent with regulator expectations.

Our GIS databases contain a vast array of spatial datasets covering a wide range of subject matter, including transportation, hydrology, wildlife, fisheries, planning, and effects assessment.


Some examples of data analysis, modelling, and GIS work include:


  • Prospective power analysis in R software, used to design guideline-compliant environmental monitoring plans
  • Multivariate analysis using PRIMER software, used to detect development-related changes in large environmental datasets
  • Generalized linear modelling (GLM) in SPSS, used to examine relationships between environmental parameters


  • Agent-based models programmed in Visual Basic, used to predict the effectiveness of alternative fish passage solutions
  • Population dynamics models programmed in R software, used to explore the effects of alternative management options on fish populations
  • Mechanistic simulation models, used to predict the effects of flow alteration on fish habitat. These include in-house (custom) and industry standard modelling tools (e.g., HEC-RAS, PHABSIM, River2D)


  • Custom decision support tools (e.g., Excel dashboards), used to quickly explore alternative management scenarios
  • Data analysis output automation, built into our internal Web Portal
  • Development of desktop and web data applications for clients


  • Data collection, conversion and integration
  • Database creation, management and design
  • Spatial analysis and 3D analysis capabilities
  • Project design and infrastructure analyses within aquatic and terrestrial habitats
  • LiDAR processing and digital elevation surface generation
  • Watershed catchment and drainage analysis
  • Georectification of aerial photography
  • Air photo interpretation
  • Land cover and terrain mapping
  • Spatial analysis and modeling to come up with innovative solutions
  • Layout and design of cartographic products
  • Automated processing of complex workflows using ModelBuilder and python programming
  • Development and implementation of digital field data collection forms

Partnering with Trinity

Let’s collaborate. What can we help you achieve?

We invite you to contact us with your specific challenges. Let’s see how we can succeed together! Contact us to discuss how we can work together and achieve your goals. 

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