Aquatic Habitat Evaluations

These evaluations are critical for the development of species management plans, mitigation planning, and environmental monitoring studies.
Aquatic habitat evaluations often serve as the basis for impact assessments and resource inventories and are critical for the development of species management plans, mitigation planning, and environmental monitoring studies. Trinity’s Environmental Services team is adept at applying a variety of aquatic habitat assessment approaches and analyses in order to help our clients meet the specific requirements of federal, provincial, territorial, or state agencies.

How Else We Can Help

Related Services


Aquatic Biological and Ecological Assessment

An understanding of the biology and ecology of aquatic ecosystems is critical to the design and interpretation of studies intended to evaluate potential influences of a project.

Fish and Fish Habitat Restoration & Offsetting

Successful habitat restoration and offsetting relies on a strong multi-discipline foundation between regulations and ecosystems.

Vegetation Surveys

Vegetation surveys can provide a deeper understanding of plant and adjacent waterway needs.

Wetland Studies

Identifying the boundaries, challenges, and needs of wildlife habitat features.


How We Can Help

In addition to traditional data collection methods, our scientists use a combination of traditional and sophisticated Geographic Information System (GIS) compatible data collection technologies to deliver insightful and spatially accurate aquatic habitat information to our clients. This approach, and  our knowledge and understanding of the biology and ecology of aquatic flora and fauna, from plankton to vegetation, benthic invertebrates, fish, amphibians, and birds, ensures that our clients receive accurate habitat classifications upon which successful habitat management plans and monitoring programs can be developed and implemented.

Our Services
  • Specific types of aquatic habitat evaluations that we conduct include:   
  • Baseline characterization/ecology
  • Wetland classification and mapping
  • Habitat classification, assessment, and mapping
  • Aquatic habitat offsetting, restoration, and relocation
  • Aquatic vegetation surveys
  • Bathymetric surveys and mapping
  • GIS mapping and applications