Environmental Consulting

Air Quality Permitting

Trinity Consultants are experts in air permitting support for compliance with the Clean Air Act, offering comprehensive services from strategy, application development, and agency negotiations.

In order to carry out the goals of the Clean Air Act, a number of permitting programs have been established and are implemented by EPA through its Regional Offices or, in most cases, carried out by states, local agencies, and approved tribes.

Trinity Consultants can assist with all phases of the air permitting process. We have completed thousands of permitting projects and our experience translates into accurate, timely permit applications strategically crafted for maximum flexibility and expert negotiations with regulatory agencies, streamlining the permitting process.

The following client services will be provided as needed:

  • Regulatory applicability analyses
  • Permit strategy development
  • Emissions quantification
  • Emissions netting analyses
  • Permit application development
  • Compliance management tools
  • Compliance certification assistance
  • Control technology evaluations
  • Emissions trading assistance

Permit by Rule (PBR)

As part of the Clean Air Act, Permits by Rule (PBRs) are a type of authorization required for new sources, the addition of a facility, or due to a change in source operations.

How Else We Can Help

Related Services


Air Dispersion Modeling

Trinity provides a wide range of air quality modeling consulting services for regulatory applications, emergency planning, and human health assessments.

Leak Detection and Repair Support (LDAR)

Trinity Consultants delivers expert Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) assistance to industries such as oil and gas, refining, chemical, and petrochemical, ensuring compliance with stringent regulatory standards and providing operational excellence for our clients.

Emissions Calculations, Inventories, and Reporting

Trinity specializes in comprehensive emissions inventory and reporting for facilities, leveraging EPA and industry data to accurately identify and quantify emissions utilizing detailed reporting and advanced EHS digital solutions.

Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS)

Trinity provides comprehensive air quality and CEMS compliance services, ensuring legal adherence, streamlined processes, and operational efficiency.

Our Results

Featured Projects

Trinity Brings Calm Vigilance to Packaging Giant’s Multisite Environmental Reporting Requirements

A very large packaging company in Illinois partnered with Trinity Consultants to evaluate and improve their environmental program.
power lines

Power Company Partners with Trinity to Modernize Compliance using Enablon Platform

Starting in 2017, a leading international power generating company tasked Trinity Consultants’ Digital Solutions team with spearheading an Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) compliance management system modernization program.

Frazier Collaborates with Trinity Consultants to “Green Light” Compliance for Plant Operations and Expansions

Trinity has supported Frazier's multimedia environmental compliance reporting since 2017 across five states and multiple facilities.

Regulatory Background

Air Permit Types & Requirements

New Source Review (NSR) Permits

What does a NSR permit do?

Protects air quality when sources like the following are newly built or modified:

  • Factories
  • Industrial boilers
  • Power plants

Assures the following take place:

  • New/modified industrial sources are as clean as possible
  • Advances in pollution control grow simultaneously with industrial expansion

Who is required to obtain a permit?

When sources of air emissions at a facility are built or modified, there are potentially 3 types of NSR permitting requirements (a facility may have to meet one or more of these requirements)

  • Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permits
    • Required for new major sources or major sources making a major modification in areas that meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
  • Nonattainment NSR (NNSR) Permits
    • Required for new major sources or major sources making a major modification in areas that don't meet the NAAQS
  • Minor Source Permits
    • For pollutants from stationary sources that don't require PSD or NNSR permits.

Title V Operating Permits

What does a Title V Operating Permit do?

Legally enforceable documents designed to improve compliance by clarifying what facilities must do to control air pollution.

Who is required to obtain a permit?

Any major source that has actual or potential emissions at or above the major source threshold for any air pollutant

  • Any source with a PSD permit or NNSR permit
  • Affected sources under the Acid Rain rules
  • Solid Waste Incineration Units under Section 129 of the Clean Air Act
  • Certain non-major sources subject to NSPS/NESHAP/MACT/GACT requirements

Partnering with Trinity

Let’s collaborate. What can we help you achieve?

We invite you to contact us with your specific challenges. Let’s see how we can succeed together! Contact us to discuss how we can work together and achieve your goals. 

Contact us