Environmental Consulting

Mobile Source Support and Engine Certification

Trinity provides mobile source support services to companies needing to quantify emission reductions from fuel or vehicle/engine changes, certify engines and equipment for sale in North America, or operate fleets in California.

Trinity offers education and training to assist engine and vehicle manufacturers with understanding market certification requirements which include emissions testing, durability demonstrations, emission control system warranties, and defects monitoring and reporting. Trinity also assists clients with informing regulatory agencies of manufacturer certification plans, addressing lead-time requirements for vehicle and engine certification and production, and supporting all other aspects of the emissions certification process. 

Our Services

  • Development of compliance strategies allowing for efficient and timely certification
  • Registration with regulatory agencies
  • Design of deterioration factor (DF) testing plans
  • Assessment of potential certification carryover and carry-across strategies to reduce emission testing burdens and certification fees
  • Coordination of meetings with regulatory agencies
  • Preparation of all elements of certification applications, including:
    • Electronic certification application files in agency-required formats
    • Auxiliary Emission Control Device (AECD) descriptions
    • Adjustable parameter descriptions (i.e., Anti-Tampering Controls)
    • NOx technical files (for marine diesel engines)
    • Emission control warranty statements
    • Emission control labels
    • Submission and tracking of complete certification applications

In addition, Trinity assists with post-certification regulatory requirements, including production reports as well as defect monitoring and reporting. Additional related services include monitoring of new regulatory requirements, comprehensive reviews of manufacturer certification processes, assistance in responding to enforcement actions brought by regulatory agencies, and management of emissions-related recalls. 

How Else We Can Help

Related Services


Air Quality Permitting

Trinity Consultants are experts in air permitting support for compliance with the Clean Air Act, offering comprehensive services from strategy, application development, and agency negotiations.

California Proposition 65 Support

Trinity delivers expert Calif. Prop 65 compliance support by providing audits, chemical assessments, risk reviews, and litigation aid for businesses in or selling to California.

Mechanical Integrity and Inspections

Trinity implements and executes a rigorous schedule of fixed equipment life cycle analysis, audits, tests, inspections and modifications to ensure safety and compliance.

Regulatory Background

Modeling Analysis, Engine Certification, and In-Use California Fleet Compliance

Who Needs Mobile Source Support Services?

Trinity provides mobile source support services to companies needing to quantify emission reductions from fuel or vehicle/engine changes, certify engines and equipment for sale in North America, or operate fleets in California. The emission reductions associated with mandatory and voluntary emission control programs involving changes in commercial fuel properties or vehicle/engine components are quantified using one or more mobile source emissions models. Trinity's modeling support may be provided to evaluate compliance strategies, to demonstrate compliance with regulations, and/or to earn credit for voluntary emission reductions. Trinity also offers assistance with the certification of vehicles and engines with U.S. EPA and the California Air Resources Board (CARB), as well as compliance strategy and support for owners/operators of non-road diesel equipment fleets based in California that are subject to CARB's in-use fleet rules and agreements, a list of which is provided below.

Mobile Source Modeling Analysis

Trinity's team has an extensive history with mobile source emission factor, emission inventory, and vehicle simulation models, covering both model development and model application. These models include U.S. EPA's MOVES, MOBILE, and NONROAD series and CARB's EMFAC and OFFROAD series. We also develop customized versions of MOVES, MOBILE, NONROAD, and EMFAC to address specific client needs and have adapted and implemented a vehicle simulation model, VEHSIM, for a variety of applications.

Vehicle and Engine Certification Support

Vehicle and engine manufacturers seeking to sell their products in North America must first obtain emissions certification from regulatory agencies including U.S. EPACARB, and Environment Canada (EC), and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for marine engines that operate in designated Environmental Control Areas (ECAs) outside of U.S. waters.
Certification requirements apply to a wide range of engines, vehicles, and equipment, including the following:

  • Passenger cars and light-duty trucks
  • Heavy-duty engines and vehicles
  • On- and off-road motorcycles
  • Off-road recreational vehicles and personal watercraft
  • Small spark ignition engines (lawn and garden equipment, etc.)
  • Large spark ignition engines (forklifts, etc.)
  • Non-road diesel engines (e.g., agricultural, construction, and industrial equipment)
  • Marine engines
  • Locomotives

In-Use Compliance Support

Trinity offers support related to the development of compliance strategies for owners/operators of California-based diesel vehicle and equipment fleets subject to one or more of the following regulations or agreements:

Meet the Team

Jim Lyons

Principal Consultant