Water & Ecology

Aquatic Environmental Impact Assessment

Trinity's Aquatic Environmental Services team has substantial experience and expertise conducting assessments of the impact of industrial activity or accidental releases on aquatic environments.

Trinity’s Aquatic Environmental Services team has substantial experience and expertise conducting assessments of the impact of industrial activity or accidental releases on aquatic environments. We plan and implement aquatic environmental components of baseline studies, environmental assessment (EA), environmental impact assessment (EIA), and natural resource damage assessment (NRDA). As specialists in the aquatic environmental field, we often complete these types of projects as part of a multidisciplinary team and have developed good collaborative working relationships with clients and technical teams.

Aquatic Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Services

Trinity Consultants Water and Ecology's Ecofish and Minnow teams are recognized leaders in environmental assessments and can help you today.
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How Else We Can Help

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Aquatic Biological and Ecological Assessment

An understanding of the biology and ecology of aquatic ecosystems is critical to the design and interpretation of studies intended to evaluate potential influences of a project.

Aquatic Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

We can support aquatic planning through impact studies.


How We Can Help

Baseline Studies

Effective planning and implementation of a baseline study is critical in establishing existing conditions and is an invaluable basis for determining the presence or absence of potential future effects. High quality baseline data can also protect an industrial facility against the potential presentation of anecdotal evidence by other stakeholders. Our team brings a long-term view to baseline studies, asking the key question “How can the data be collected to most optimally suit future needs?” This includes the design and implementation of statistically powerful baseline studies that will support future Before-After or Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) analysis as well as data collection using methodology that is consistent with that which will be applied during facility operation.  

Environmental Assessment (EA)

Industrial facilities are required to complete jurisdiction-specific Environmental Assessment as mandated under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, U.S. Clean Water Act and by provincial, territorial, or state environmental legislation. Our team brings substantial technical expertise to aquatic environmental assessments, particularly to the assessment of potential effects to aquatic life associated with changes to physical habitat, to hydrology, and to water quality. In completing aquatic environmental assessments, our extensive expertise and experience in evaluating physical and chemical influences upon periphyton, plankton, benthic invertebrate communities, fish habitat, fish populations, and fish communities is invaluable.         

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA)

We have substantial expertise and experience conducting aquatic ecosystem EIA and NRDA, particularly the potential impact associated with chemical contamination of aquatic environments, at scales ranging from a one-time event to chronic releases over prolonged periods. Effective impact assessment requires clear conceptual model development and the design and implementation of post impact response that focuses on the key receptors, with data collected according to state-of-the-science protocols and with replication sufficient to make statistical contrasts against temporal data and reference conditions. In addition to characterizing impact, our team has extensive experience characterizing mechanisms of impact to provide clients with information that can be used effectively in ecological risk assessment and for developing mitigation plans.   


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