Water & Ecology

Aquatic Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

We can support aquatic planning through impact studies.

The Trinity Consultants Water & Ecology team are experts in environmental assessments and monitoring. 

  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 
  • Environmental Assessment (EA)
  • Baseline Studies
  • Biological and Ecological Studies 

Aquatic Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Services

Trinity Consultants Water and Ecology's Ecofish and Minnow teams are recognized leaders in environmental assessments and can help you today.
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How Else We Can Help

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Aquatic Chemistry


Environmental Effects Monitoring

Trinity’s Aquatic Environmental scientists are recognized as experts and have been involved in EEM since its initial development in the early 1990s and have completed numerous EEMs for the pulp and paper and mining industries.

Fish and Fish Habitat Studies

Fish and fish habitat studies require expertise in fish behavior, site-specific capture techniques and more.

Wetland Studies

Identifying the boundaries, challenges, and needs of wildlife habitat features.


How We Can Help

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 

We provide a broad range of services related to the aquatic portions of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process. From the design and implementation of conceptual models to predict project effects, identification of mechanisms of impact, and the development of strategies to manage and mitigate predicted effects, our team of Qualified Environmental Professionals (QEP) can help expedite the EIA process. 

Environmental Assessment (EA) 

Our team provides expert guidance and technical expertise for aquatic environmental assessment (EA) to achieve project approvals promptly and cost-effectively while meeting corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. 

Baseline Studies

Our experts plan, design, and implement aquatic baseline studies considering how the data can be collected to optimally suit the requirements of environmental assessment, permitting, and future monitoring programs, expediting project approvals and adding value for our clients. 

Biological and Ecological Studies 

We provide a full range of biological and ecological services related to aquatic monitoring, inventory, and assessment. Whether designing or executing studies regarding algae, aquatic plants, zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, fish, amphibians, and aquatic birds, our team delivers comprehensive, cost-effective solutions from study design and implementation through to interpretive reporting. 

  • Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM), Aquatic Environmental Monitoring Plans (AEMPs), Receiver Monitoring, and Other Provincial/Territorial Aquatic Monitoring 
  • Aquatic Habitat Offsetting, Restoration, and Relocation 
  • Benthic Invertebrate Community Characterization, Assessment, and Monitoring 
  • Fish Health and Tissue Chemistry Assessment and Monitoring 
  • Fish Habitat Assessment, Offsetting, and Enhancement 
  • Fish Spawning, Movement, and Habitat Usage Surveys 
  • Fish Species Inventory, Population Size Estimation, and Genetics Surveys
  • Wetland Mapping and Classification 
  • Riparian and Aquatic Habitat Assessment and Ecosystem Classification
  • Amphibian Habitat Usage and Spawning Surveys 
  • Aquatic and Semi-Aquatic Bird Species Inventories and Effects Assessment 
  • Water Quality and Water Temperature Monitoring and Assessment 
  • Aquatic Food Web Studies Using Isotope Chemistry

Partnering with Trinity

Let’s collaborate. What can we help you achieve?

We invite you to contact us with your specific challenges. Let’s see how we can succeed together! Contact us to discuss how we can work together and achieve your goals. 

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