Aquatic Chemistry

An integral component of almost all projects undertaken by the Trinity Consultants Water & Ecology Environmental Services team is a water and sediment quality assessment. Our team has performed more than 700 projects that involve water quality and/or sediment quality data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Our scientists are experts in the management and quality control of water and sediment quality data and in the application of statistical analyses and other tools required for effective, scientifically defensible, and concise data interpretation.

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How We Can Help

Exchange of nutrients, metals, and other constituents between sediment and water, and sediment diagenetic processes have effects on water quality and potential effects on aquatic biota. Along with biological assessment of sediment quality, we have experience completing sediment investigations that evaluate sediment chemistry, solid-phase speciation, sediment porewater chemistry and redox status, sediment attenuation rates, metal and nutrient mobility, and sediment flux.

At the most basic level, interpretation of water and sediment quality data involves comparisons to baseline data, reference data, and use-protection guidelines, criteria, or objectives. Our scientists are highly familiar with the statistical considerations underlying appropriate comparison to baseline and reference data, as well as how to properly consider seasonal trends and dependencies within data sets (e.g., dependence of total metal concentrations on the concentrations of suspended solids). In addition, several of our scientists have been intimately involved in the development of use-protection guidelines and site-specific water quality objectives and thus have an expert understanding of their application.  

Beyond the basic interpretation of water and sediment quality data, our scientists have extensive expertise in understanding that it is not concentration alone that determines whether a contaminant is likely to affect aquatic life. Rather, contaminant-associated effects are dependent upon site-specific physical, chemical, and biological factors that dictate contaminant speciation and/or partitioning, as well as the concentration of factors that may compete with a contaminant for interaction with an organism ( the “3-Cs” of metal bioavailability and toxicity – Concentration, Complexation, and Competition).
To support our clients, we perform studies including the following: 
  • Sediment sampling methods
  • Sediment porewater studies
  • Sediment deposition rate studies
  • Investigation of current environmental influences of historical tailings deposits
  • Contaminant flux / fate and transport studies
  • Selective chemical extractions
  • Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) device deployment
  • Geochemical modelling (e.g., GoldSim, PHREEQC)
  • Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) applications