United States

Utah - Salt Lake City

Trinity Consultants, Salt Lake office, is our air quality and meteorological consulting division specializing in Ambient Monitoring with a strong emphasis on atmospheric measurements, weather forecasting, software development, dispersion modeling, air permitting, NRC compliant meteorological monitoring, and meteorological/air quality monitoring systems integration and installations (including AERMOD-ready towers) network operations including field calibrations, audits, special studies, community monitoring, and open-path monitoring. Trinity works closely with their clients, beginning with the specifications in the proposal and continuing through to the timely delivery of services. 

Our SLC office opened in 2014, serving the states of Utah and Nevada in the following key industries:

Local Leadership

Casey Lenhart

Casey Lenhart

Director, Monitoring Services
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Brian Mensinger

Brian Mensinger

Managing Consultant
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Utah - Salt Lake City

4525 Wasatch Blvd, Suite 150
Salt Lake City, Utah 84124


Utah - Salt Lake City

Our Services Offered

Our local Salt Lake City staff have expertise in the following areas.

Air Dispersion Modeling

Trinity provides a wide range of air quality modeling consulting services for regulatory applications, emergency planning, and human health assessments.

Air Quality Permitting

Trinity Consultants are experts in air permitting support for compliance with the Clean Air Act, offering comprehensive services from strategy, application development, and agency negotiations.

Ambient Monitoring and Service Integration

Trinity’s ambient air quality monitoring expertise ranges from the design and implementation of monitoring stations to routine operations, data validation, and official reporting to meet EPA and state requirements.

Auditing and Verification

Boost EHS compliance and performance with tailored Auditing & Verification solutions for regulatory compliance, management systems, and risk management.

Chemical Inventory Reporting Services

Streamline EPCRA compliance with expert SDS/Tier II reporting, audits, hazard analysis, and cross-media impact management for chemical safety from Trinity.

Environmental Health & Safety Program Support

EHS support for the life sciences sector

EHS and Sustainability Reporting

Streamline your EHS reporting with Trinity's regulatory compliance and sustainability reporting expertise for accuracy, efficiency, and reduced compliance risks.

Emissions Testing

Trinity offers expert consulting for emissions (stack) testing, including forensic analysis, program design, and expert witness services.

Water Quality Permitting and Compliance

Trinity provides expertise across wastewater permitting and compliance; storm water permitting and compliance; spill prevention, control and countermeasures planning and compliance; wetlands permitting; and other CWA programs.

PHA and Risk Assessments

Trinity Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) experts have extensive experience with hazard identification, evaluation, and mitigation services.

Process Safety Management Services

Trinity experts provide Process Safety Management (PSM) support that ensures safe handling of hazardous processes, preventing accidents & protecting workers, communities, & environment.

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC)

Trinity has the expertise to develop SPCC Plans across numerous industrial facilities and can assist with plan revisions and program audits.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

Trinity is the leading industry regulatory expert in SWPPP stormwater runoff from industrial facilities and construction sites that can contaminate rivers, lakes, and coastal waters.

Sustainability Program Support and ESG Disclosure

Trinity elevates your sustainability journey with expert ESG support, managing risks, seizing opportunities, and ensuring compliance with global standards.

TSDF Support

Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs)

Waste Compliance Support

Trinity experts provide assistance and guidance to ensure adherence to regulations and standards regarding the handling, storage, treatment, and disposal of waste materials.


Local News

Advancements in Utah’s Air Quality Monitoring Network: How It Will Impact Future State Planning and Source’s Permitting Efforts

Upcoming Statewide Triennial Emissions Inventory

Court Ruling of UDAQ’s 2015 8-hour Ozone SIP: What Companies Need to Know

UDAQ Expands Modeling Authority with New Emissions Impact Assessment Guidelines

In June 2024, the Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) released a new version of the UDAQ Emissions Impact Assessment Guidelines. This release formally documents the increased modeling authority that UDAQ has established in recent years. Exceedances of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) allow UDAQ to use modeling to require more stringent control technologies than even Best Available Control Technology (BACT) analyses in some cases.The updated UDAQ Emissions Assessment Guidelin...

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